--- title: C- An ideal decentralized knowledge graph would map a social graph and a knowledge graph enableToc: false tags: - claim --- Authored By:: [[P- Rob Haisfield]] [[Q- Should social knowledge management be thought of as social networks with really solid defaults, conventions, and incentives]] A semantic knowledge graph may not be enough - as discussed in [[Q- What are the most efficient routes to useful cross-boundary knowledge]], it is difficult to imagine a more efficient search for information than asking the right people what they think. However, [[C- Synthesis is hard to do with people who don’t share context with you]], and we need mechanisms to bring people up to speed. When someone begins to research a new domain, one of the most difficult problems is [[R- Information Foraging Video|learning what vocabulary to use to search]]. In [[R- Interactive Intent Modeling for Exploratory Search]], they describe a search process where users type in a search term, are shown the results, and then are also shown other keywords they could add to the search, grouped by semantics and frequent use by experts. This is a low-touch social interaction - the experts don't need to do anything but publish for the system to derive keywords and groupings from their work. ![[Interactive intent modeling search circle.png]] A high touch social interaction would involve a search for experts in your domain of interest and then direct communication. As described in [[R- Graphs in OpenCog's AtomSpace, Webstructor and Aigents for SingularityNET]], there should be a communication layer. Given how [[C- Hypertext enables communication with high information density]], using a semantic knowledge graph in conjunction with a social graph would enable people to communicate more clearly. ![[decentralized social evidence-based data model.png]] - [[Q- Can the blockchain be used to improve citation chains]]: this question is relevant insofar as a big reason why people are willing to share knowledge with others publicly is that they have an expectation of credit coming back to them.